This article from The Irish Times draws up a list of the 50 best Irish films ever made.  After an introduction that discusses what can be considered an Irish film and what not, the critic describes briefly the plot or the performance of the actors in each film.  The density of information and the rich vocabulary give little context for the English learner to understand new words, so this text is recommended for C2 students. 

You will come across words like sane, to claim, a parlour game, to be set, fanciful, loose(r), to score, jerry-rigged, to shoot a film, it gets you a long way down the road, stand-in, to be up for [consideration], to lure, to settle, to play hardball, a fleeting mood, to qualify [for this list], a bunch, to make [Irish films] happen, a space probe, weed, a peddler, offload, to pit [them] against, a kingpin, unabashedly, thrall, interweaving [urban stories], abrasive, to buzz about, heighthened, to snatch, a toddler, unsettling, to light out, a minor-key gem, ailing, to stumble, to befriend, a saviour, inner city, sparse, lead performance, sterling support, selkie, an informant, ailments, overdue, a shoestring [production], to soar, on the brink of, upheaval, blarney, hoodlum, a coup d'etat attempt, a treatise, a portrait, turmoil, gorgeously rich, to stick in the memory, to segue, curveball, to stalk, to carve out a niche, a masterpiece, to be fuelled, masterly, on the run, backward, a depiction, stunning, to permeate, a boffin, to rage, to ponder [human life], an asylum, a carer, overlooked, disabled, to tend to [their dying mother], a newsreel, annus mirabilis, to boss [the Oscars], winningly [absurd], boosted by  stirring performance, deserving winner, to skirt, to fall for firebrand [Maureen O'Hara], dowry, sime wave, to be muted as, to drift towards, to tweak, holy kismet, scoundrel, stately composition.